Çòö£-ZëRô's Reign
Watch for the major changes goin on!
OK... Having scanner troubles. I have added more to the page, but not quite as much as I thought I would. That's OK, because it is fast approaching completeion. Today, I will fix the IE version of my site, later today and tomorrow, I will have the Netscape version online and running.

Here is a little something I just wrote for fun. There will be more of my "works" (if you can call them works) later. Here it is: As I Sit Here.

Some Tom Green Stuff
Tom Green Stuff
Here goes some of my peeps!
My Friends
Cars are just too important to men...
Mp3 Stuff...
OK... I have placed all of my MP3's on CD's, cuz they were taking up too much HD space, SO, if you want any, you have to email me at: [email protected]. I thank you for visiting, have a great day.
Full Movies
As with the MP3's, I had to put these on cd, too...
This is what I have: Austin Powers 2, American Pie, Big Daddy, The Matrix, Blair Witch, and South Park. Mail me at: [email protected] for some movies.
Homiez Were Hi-Zere

Mail me at:[email protected].